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Snacks Can Be Healthy Too

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The pace at which we live our lives nowadays is so hectic that time is considered a luxury. Because of the lack of time, we seem to ignore the importance of certain things in our daily activities; one of which is our eating habits.

Trying to get everything done within the day we tend to find the easiest way out when it comes to our diet. Instead of dedicating some time for a normal healthy meal, many times we try to find the easy way out, ignoring the ingredients of the meal, as long as we satisfy our hunger.

So what about our health?

Thrown out the window!

Of course we all care that we are healthy both from the inside and look healthy from the outside. One quick unhealthy meal can’t destroy our health or the way we look right?


By giving ourselves the excuse that it’s only one meal and that we don’t have the time, we forget the seriousness of poor eating habits, leading us to give the same excuse to ourselves every single day.

The Solution

Let’s start off with a 5 minute preparation for our breakfast. Literally 5 minutes!!


A whole grain toast smeared with vegetable margarine and some honey, accompanied by some low fat milk in our high fiber cereal takes probable less than 5 minutes to prepare. Yet it is a well balanced healthy breakfast to start off our day. You can even change it around slightly with yogurt and honey.


For brunch, again there’s no need to go over the top with preparation. Two portions of fruit of the season is more than enough (ex. one apple and one banana) – no preparation whatsoever!


Lunch however can get a bit tricky because most people are still at work having less than half an hour to prepare the lunch and eat it in the same time. Not to worry! With a bit of organization and preparation from the previous day, we will have enough time to enjoy our lunch. By the way, when eating your lunch and dinner do not rush; not less than 20 minutes.

As mentioned above prepare your lunch from the day before, which can easily be packed and taken with you to work. For example foods like pasta, rice, grilled chicken, turkey, boiled eggs and even fish can easily be packed and taken with you to work. You can easily mix some of the above in a wholegrain sandwich with some fresh greens.

You can even prepare and pack a salad topped with some grilled chicken. To give you some other options prepare some pulses like lentils, peas, beans and split peas which are rich in protein and amino acids.

In between your lunch and dinner have some fruit or yogurt.


If you are going to have a light lunch (ex. salad) then your dinner can be more rich and complete (and vice-versa). Most people usually have more time to eat dinner than they do to eat lunch because of their daily jobs. What some people forget to do however, or should I say, not to do, is go overboard with our last full meal of the day. Stick to a normal sized portion, including a well balanced and nutritious meal.

Depending on whether you exercise during the day (always good to do) then your body needs those extra supplements which it has burned off during exercise. I recommend a protein bar with some fruit.

One final point I nearly forgot to make; drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated.

As you can see, with some organization and willingness, your eating habits can be both healthy and time-saving.

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